What are the advantages of flat-bed printed honeycomb cardboard compared with corrugated cardboard

What are the advantages of flat-bed printed honeycomb cardboard compared with corrugated cardboard
Honeycomb paperboard is popular in the market for its light weight, low price, high strength, and recyclability, and is widely used at home and abroad. So what are the advantages of honeycomb cardboard compared with corrugated cardboard?

1. Bending strength, the bending strength of honeycomb paperboard is higher than that of corrugated cardboard, and its bending strength increases with the increase of pore diameter.

2. Flat crushing strength, the flat crushing strength of honeycomb paperboard is much higher than that of corrugated cardboard, and in the case of a certain amount of consumables, the flat crushing strength of honeycomb paperboard decreases with the increase of pore size.
What are the advantages of flat-bed printed honeycomb cardboard compared with corrugated cardboard
3. Peel strength. The peel strength of corrugated cardboard is higher than that of honeycomb paperboard; the peel strength of honeycomb paperboard increases with the decrease of pore size.

4. Lateral compressive strength. The lateral compressive strength of corrugated cardboard is much higher than that of honeycomb cardboard, while the transverse lateral compressive strength is lower than that of honeycomb cardboard.

5. Puncture strength. There is basically no big difference between the puncture strength of honeycomb paperboard and corrugated paperboard.